News from other countries; translations and selections from homofile magazines abroad.

Friendship in in Holla

Now in its tenth year, the Dutch review Vriendschap continues to print a wide variety of material of interest to readers of ONE, including as it does stories, reports on the European scene, discussions of a scientific nature, and bibliographical information. This last service is indeed a contribution, for no single reader, particularly in the United States can be aware of all the publications which might appeal to his tastes. In addition to the monthly lists of books, space is found for longer reviews.

In the last year Vriendschap has considered The Problem of Homosexuality in England, a report made necessary by the recent publicity; life in Indonesia; France, in an article devoted to the debut of Arcadie; and, in an article translated from Der Kreis, Our Position in Turkey.

The principle scientific contribution in 1954 was a series of articles translated from the English of Dr. Kinsey and others on consideration of normal and abnormal in sexual drives, but additional articles of value were written by Prof. J. M. van Bemmelen, Dr. Hans Giese and others. The May meetings of the Cultuur-en Ontspanningscentrum (C. O. C.) were reported, and some of the possible effects. of public discussion and acceptance were amusingly depicted in several cartoons, one purporting to show the making of a "new modern film" with both leads. cast as young men.

The illustrations, cartoons, drawings, reproductions-are profuse, amusing, and always attractive. From the cover, which is usually a full page reproduction, through the illustrations for the articles and stories, to the running cartoon joke of the two owls, all is well done and in good taste.

Of a literary nature, are short stories, poems, and on occasion, translations from other languages. (It was surprising to find our old friend Sherwood Anderson's Wing Biddlebaum standing on "de half vergane veranda van een klein huis", but there he was!) Vriendschap also paid tribute to the memory of Colette and honored the anniversary of Oscar Wilde with appropriate remarks. In a rather rapid survey entitled There is Nothing New Under the Sun the author recalled to the readers' mind many of the historical figures associated in one way or another with the homophile relationship. Perhaps here should be mentioned the double page spread on the film Julius Ceasar reviewed from two different points of view.

Each issue of this handsome magazine runs to sixteen TIME-sized pages printed on good paper, and well worth the subcription price of $4.00. More than many other magazines of this nature, Vriendschap should appeal to the "vrouw" as well as to the "man", for the friendship of the title is not confined to one sex alone. However, it would be wise to note that the Dutch language is something more than mispelled German.

by Anton Lorenz